The Nocturne
“As the show title implies, I wanted to delve deeply into the night as an environment for locating these scenes. Loving Astronomy since I was a kid, I sometimes see these images as terrestrial versions of the light of the Sun, the Moon, and the stars. The locations depicted are places that strike strong emotional responses in me and, while painting them, I begin to understand the scenes as metaphors that also have their roots in distant memories of mine. Technically, this show is my first in which I mostly tried out my own version of “Action Painting” in which I allowed the entire process of painting to be evident and allowed to be left alone without fixing, cleaning up, or smoothing out.”
Lincoln Continental
Oil on Panel, 48" x 54"
Jackson Ward
Oil on Panel, 21” x 36”
Albany Nocturne
Oil on Panel, 7"x 10"
Suburban Blur II
Oil on Panel, 8” x 15”
Usher at the Centre Theater (1970s)
Oil on Panel, 8” x 12”
Oil on Panel, 13” x 50”
Mineral Twilight
Oil on Panel, 18” x 36”
Westover Market
Oil on Panel, 11” x 16”
Rudasill Road (Night Drive)
Oil on Panel, 18” x 24”
Suburban Blur
Oil on Panel, 8” x 15”
Sanctum Sanctorum
Oil on Panel, 48”x54”
Oil on Panel, 48” x 54”
Federal Trade Commission
Oil on Panel